Thursday, December 2, 2010

An Interesting Beginning...

Dear Heavenly Father,

I have always wanted a place to tell my story but due to life, I have only managed to do some writing in one of my many journals here and there.  Now, I am either unable to find the latest one with my current entries, more than likely due to my 18 month old carting it off somewhere, or I begin writing and my hands no longer want to cooperate due to my physical problems. 

This evening, while running an errand to the local pharmacy, it hit me.  Over the last couple of days, I have really opened myself back up to the Holy Spirit and began listening again.  It's been there, I was just letting the everyday noise of life fill my ears and time and wasn't stopping to listen to that whisper.  I was driving along and it was like a kick in the spiritual solar plexus.  A blog!  I have the knowledge and know how, due to my background, I had just never stopped to put that knowledge in motion.

Through my prayers, and writings, I now have a way to physically see the words that I am feeling and have a visual reminder and a method to keep me accountable to you.  I realize that I am putting this out there for the world to see, but I have nothing to hide Lord.  You have always been there for me and this is my way of being there fully, and giving myself over to You.

Lord, you know my heart, my mind, and my soul better than any living being on this earth. Please help me to be the person that you want me to be; To say what you want me to say whenever You need me to say it. Please help me to make a habit of my devotion time so that I may learn.  Help me to teach my children and raise them with love, kindness, honor, and praise for You.  Please keep my faith strong and remind me to always turn to you. I will praise you in the good times; I will praise You in the sad times; I will praise You in the harsh and troubling times.  I am yours.  Please help me to radiate You through out my day, no matter where I may be so that your love shines through me.  I am in awe of what You have blessed me with and I thank You.

In Jesus Name, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely! I know you feel the Holy Ghost in the same way that I do -- not a whisper, but a kick in the seat of the pants. Keep studying & it will all come around for you. I love you!
